Free Children's Dish Set - Sprout Smart

From Sprout Smart and Mott's For Tots comes a free children's dish set for filling out a very simple survey. The survey consist of a few questions about Mott's For Tots juices and is only a few questions long.

The dish set includes: bowl & lid, juice cup, and fork and spoon.

I do advise all who are interested in receiving a free dish set to take the survey immediately for I'm sure that this one will definitely NOT last long. Hurry!!

Visit Sprout Smart and click "Take The Survey" which is located on the right hand side of their website. You can also click the Direct Link to take you to the survey.

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Grosgrain said…
I just wanted to let you know that I love your blog.
I'm always looking for sites with new finds for my two
daughters. I will be sure to stop by often.
Faith said…
Hello Kathleen,

I'm happy to hear you enjoy Fun 4 The Children. Thanks for the nice words and visiting.