Here's a bunch of free activity books and coloring books from Senate Republican Communications that you can download and print out.
Listed under Children/Young Adults, you can find the following activity and coloring book titles:
* 911 Emergency Activity Brochure
* Officer B. Ware – Traffic Safety Activity Booklet
* Fire Safety Tips – Tips for Tots Activity Booklet
* Pennsylvania – A Poster You Can Color
* Pledge of Allegiance Coloring Book
* Journey Across the Commonwealth Coloring Book
* Activity Book: A Student's Guide to PA – Its History & Government
* Journey Across the Commonwealth Coloring Book
* Hey Kids – Financial Savings Advice for Kids
* Art in the Parks – A PA State Parks Coloring Park
There not the greatest coloring and activities books in the world but they are offered for free and kids love to color, plus they can learn a thing or two.
FYI: It states that you can order multiple coloring books but we haven't confirmed if they will send them to outside the state of Pennsylvania. Will update when and if I receive them.
A big thank you to Stephanie for sharing this with us, it's appreciated.
Technorati Tags: Fun 4 The Children free activity books downloads free coloring book downloads coloring books activity books children kids youth
Listed under Children/Young Adults, you can find the following activity and coloring book titles:
* 911 Emergency Activity Brochure
* Officer B. Ware – Traffic Safety Activity Booklet
* Fire Safety Tips – Tips for Tots Activity Booklet
* Pennsylvania – A Poster You Can Color
* Pledge of Allegiance Coloring Book
* Journey Across the Commonwealth Coloring Book
* Activity Book: A Student's Guide to PA – Its History & Government
* Journey Across the Commonwealth Coloring Book
* Hey Kids – Financial Savings Advice for Kids
* Art in the Parks – A PA State Parks Coloring Park
There not the greatest coloring and activities books in the world but they are offered for free and kids love to color, plus they can learn a thing or two.
FYI: It states that you can order multiple coloring books but we haven't confirmed if they will send them to outside the state of Pennsylvania. Will update when and if I receive them.
A big thank you to Stephanie for sharing this with us, it's appreciated.
Technorati Tags: Fun 4 The Children free activity books downloads free coloring book downloads coloring books activity books children kids youth