Free Kindermusik Preview Class

Sign, dance, play, learn... for free!

For more than 30 years, educators worldwide have trusted Kindermusik’s proven brand to provide quality music and movement education to children newborn to age 7.

• Immerse your child in an atmosphere of playing, singing and dancing.

• Music as a means of learning: get their feet tapping and their wheels turning.

• Connect with other moms and learn how music makes parenting easier.

Kindermusik helps your child:

• Develop early literacy and language skills.

• Acquire reasoning and early math skills.

• Increase self-control.

• Cultivate a lifelong love of music.

Kindermusik is offering a Free Kindermusik Preview Class coupon and four MP3 downloads of their favorite music for you to see what their classes are all about.

Kindermusik educators offer classes around the world. To learn more and to find one near you visit: Find a Kindermusik Class.

A big thank you goes out to Lisa for sharing this offer!

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