Two Free Children's E-book - "Mimi Volume One" and "Busy Book for Kids"

Here are two cute children's e-books that you can download for free on your computer.

The first e-book, "Mimi volume one, a picture story book for young boys and girls," is a fun collection of stories suitable for young children and silly adults. Follow Mimi with her mom and dad, as she makes every day into an adventure, exploring the world and imagining all the fun possibilities around.

Mimi volume one is in black and white and I liked that I was able to print out pages (you can print out the whole book or individual pages) and then the kids get to color them.

You can download this free children's e-book over at or by clicking the direct link here: Mimi Volume One

The second children's e-book is Busy Book for Kids and has 35 fun activities to keep your kids busy. Inside you will find many different ideas families can do together that are inexpensive and free. You'll find great ideas for indoor activities, outdoor activities and travelling activities.

Happy reading!!

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