KidzEyes is an online survey panel where your children tell the companies that make products and services for them how they look through your kids' eyes. Each time your child completes an online survey they will be rewarded for it. It is geared towards children ages 6-12 who have their parents or guardians permission to participate. Parents will be sent the surveys for your children through e-mail, so you get to see and approve of everything before your child gets to look at anything.

How It Works:

From the KidzEyes website: "First, you have to sign up by having a parent or guardian complete our registration form. Then, once we have your parent's permission, you will start to receive email invitations to take surveys.

The surveys will ask you all kinds of questions about all kinds of stuff: movies, food, music, toys, other web sites, etc. Some of the surveys will be short and take just a few minutes to finish and some surveys might be long. Every time you complete one, you get KidzPoints. You can earn anywhere from hundreds to a few thousand KidzPoints (worth approximately $2-$20) for each survey you complete.

At any time, you can look up your KidzPoints total on the web site. We'll also send you a log book so you can keep track at home. It's sort of like having a savings account. You can exchange your points for money whenever you have more than 1000 points ($10). Or you can keep your KidzPoints in your account and save up for a fat check. And from time to time KidzEyes gives away cool games, T-shirts and other fun prizes as an extra thank you for helping us.

For every survey you take, you'll be awarded KidzPoints, which you can trade in for cash. We'll tell you how much each survey is worth in the email invitations we send you. Most surveys are worth between 50 and 1000 points, sometimes more. The longer the survey, the more points we award.

After you get 1000 points ($10) saved up, you can cash them in using our website. Or, you can save them up for something special. When you cash in your points, we'll send you a check in the mail, in care of your parent or legal guardian."

At first I was a little leery of joining, but after reading through their website and receiving their welcome package I was put at easy, and now I'm happy I joined.

The thing I love about KidzEyes is that you don't get a thousand survey sent, maybe one or two a month. My children answer their surveys and get to accumulate points which they can trade in for cash and occasionally can get other fun prizes for participating.

The surveys are all safe and I do get to look at everything before any of my children do.

If your interested in joining visit the KidzEyes website. Make sure you read through their website, especially the FAQS and privacy policy to get a better understanding of their program.

If you should have any questions you would like to ask me in regards to KidzEyes, please don't hesitate to send me an e-mail. If anyone else has joined KidzEyes, please leave us your opinion through comments or an e-mail

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