Create A Valentine's Puzzle

This is really cute for your children and to send to your loved ones for Valentine's Day.

To create your Valentine's puzzle, all you have to do is upload a Jpeg image, drag your image to the desired position and click the "Generate Puzzle" button.

The Valentine's puzzle creator will divide your photo up into puzzle pieces, which you can then scramble ("Shuffle Puzzle" button appears when you place your cursor over the puzzle).

My son and daughter both got a great laugh out of seeing their face scrambled and then putting it back together again.

You can also send the puzzle to other family members and friends (my children's grandparents will be delighted) as a Valentine's Day e-card, as you get to select an audio track to go along with the puzzle.

To create your Valentine's puzzle visit:

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Unknown said…
What a neat blog! From time to time, I search the internet for coloring pages and activities for my children to do (which is how I found your blog), so it will be nice to have this blog as a resource too. Keep up the good work!
Faith said…
Thank you for the nice words maine mom. I glad you enjoy the blog. If your ever looking for something specific, please let me know, as I may be able to help you out.