Thomas The Train and Friends Play Dates

Bring your little engineer into Toys R Us for Thomas and Friends play dates.

Thomas and Friends Play Dates at Toys R Us near you..

* June 28, 2008
* September 13, 2008
* October 11, 2008

- Storytime every half hour
- Coloring Fun
- Thomas and Friends Wooden Railway Play Table Time.
- Free pack of Thomas Trading Cards (while supplies last)
- Special in-store savings

Just be advised that dates and times are subject to change, so make sure you visit the the Toys R US website a day or so before the event date to be sure.

For more information on this event, to check dates or find a store locator visit:

Thomas Friends Play Dates

I am going to place a "Mark Your Calendar" box underneath the post on Fun 4 The Children. This way when offers like the above post come in you will be able to use it as a calendar for upcoming events. I will also be adding a "Mark Your Calendar" label in the sidebar.

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