The Island Party Planner - Family Fun

Planning a party? Here's a tropical planner that you and the children can use to make throwing your Island Party easy.

The planner contains some really fun and different things that your children can make to help out at the party or to turn a weekend barbecue into an Island barbecue.

The Island Party Planner is being offer by

After clicking the above link, scroll slightly down their website and in the middle you will see "FREE From "Family Fun": The Island Party Planner" where you can download the Island Party Planner.

You can also click the direct link here: The Island Party Planner - Family Fun

If anyone uses the Island Party Planner to make some great projects and happens to take some pictures, we would love to see them.

I would like to thank Fun 4 The Children readers Monica and her mother Anastashia for sending in the lovely e-mail containing this offer and for the kind words about Fun 4 The Children.

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