Math Moves U

With school getting ready to begin I came across a website that makes learning math fun. Math Moves U is an innovative program designed to engage middle school students with math at an age when their interest in the subject typically declines.

Math Moves U is geared toward middle school students (6-8 grade crowd and possibly advanced 5th grade) where your child can enter a "virtual world" of math through an interactive interface, engaging in worlds of fashion, sports, music and more, while using math concepts.

Math Moves U

Start by choosing a character and customize the character by changing the color of hair, shirt, skin, fur and other accessories. Other options include saving your character to begin or registering, which is not required.

Using your keyboard and mouse enables your child to explore different areas of Math Moves U, where they can work on quizzes, polls, flash cards, math games or featured facts. The facts section has links to help connect to more knowledge for your children.

Enter the Math Moves University section and your child can find plenty of practice worksheets that can be downloaded in PDF format and printed out on your computer printer. You can also find the mathtionary which contains helpful definitions for common math terms.

Math Moves University

FYI: I just want to give you a heads up that during play, popups to register may appear but are never required at Math Moves U.

Math Moves U is a fun way to motivate your middle school kids by combining the things they're passionate about outside of school with topics that are being covered in class. Wonderful website gets an A from Fun 4 The Children.

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