The EPA has a free download for an asthma funbook. The Dusty The Asthma Goldfish and His Asthma Triggers Funbook is an educational tool to help us parents and children learn more about asthma triggers.
The Dusty The Asthma Goldfish and His Asthma Triggers Funbook contains eight pages that you can download (PDF fornat) and print out on your computer printer. Pages include: coloring, word search, maze, connect the dots and search.
For parents: I also going to include the link to the asthma page of the EPA website, as they have many other free publications and resources you can download or send for the hard copy to help children with asthma.
EPA asthma publications and resources
Technorati Tags: Fun 4 The Children children kids Dusty The Asthma Goldfish and His Asthma Triggers Funbook children asthma asthma funbook fun
The Dusty The Asthma Goldfish and His Asthma Triggers Funbook contains eight pages that you can download (PDF fornat) and print out on your computer printer. Pages include: coloring, word search, maze, connect the dots and search.
For parents: I also going to include the link to the asthma page of the EPA website, as they have many other free publications and resources you can download or send for the hard copy to help children with asthma.
EPA asthma publications and resources
Technorati Tags: Fun 4 The Children children kids Dusty The Asthma Goldfish and His Asthma Triggers Funbook children asthma asthma funbook fun