Halloween Coloring Pages - Skeletons

October is just around the corner, and with it comes the fun and spooky Halloween! Time to choose your customs, organize your parties, and make your decorations. It's also time to start creating your 2008 Halloween coloring book.

We have other Halloween coloring images listed on Fun 4 The Children (search for them under coloring pages category and/or search box). We will also list new Halloween coloring pages for 2008.

Listed are a bunch of skinny bone coloring pages to get you going.

Skeleton #1

Skeleton Board

Skeleton - trees, owl and full moon.

Skeleton - with vampire skeleton. Picture is also a puzzle. Very Cool!

Skeleton - with owl

Skeleton - with spider and cat

Make sure you visit all of our other fun Halloween pages!

If any of the above links are not working or are expired, please do us a favor and let us know by clicking: Contact US. We may also be able to help you get some of the free coloring books, pages and E-books that may have expired.

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