Pumpkin Stencils and Patterns

We are setting out for our pumpkin picking this weekend. The children are all planning who is going to do what to their pumpkins (painting, stickers, stencils, etc).

I found sound really great websites that offer free stencils to use on your pumpkins. Some of these websites I used last year and some are new to me. There is a big selection of stencils for you to choose from.

Hershey's Pumpkin Stencils - Pumpkin stencils listed in three difficulty ranges: Easy, Intermediate and Hard.

Pumpkin Masters - free pumpkin carving patterns. There are only four patterns listed but they are good ones.

Pumpkin Lady - one of my favorite website for free pumpkin carving patterns. There's a huge selection of pumpkin carving patterns to choose from going all the way back to 2004. They also have optional paid pattern books (for free patterns scroll approximately 1/4 of the way down their website).

On the Pumpkin Lady website you can also find carving tips and instructions
with images, printable carving instructions and you can learn how to create your own patterns. An A+ website!

Spook Master - they have a handful of free online pumpkin carving patterns to choose from and starting October 27 Through October 31 they offer a new freebie everyday (just visit their website daily between those dates). You can also find instructions on carving and painting Halloween pumpkins.

WWF Pumpkin Carving Stencils - free World Wildlife Fund templates. Along with the stencils you will find instructions and a story about that particular world wildlife stencil.

Pumpkin Carving 101 - there are no stencils on this page but I have added it because it is full off wonderful Halloween Pumpkin Carving information. From choosing your pumpkins, pumpkin carving tools, lighting your pumpkins, traditional carving and so much more. A wonderful, informative website for Halloween pumpkin carving information.

If anyone wants to recommend a great pumpkin stencil/pattern carving site, please don't hesitate to do so with a comment or e-mail. If we have anyone that creates stencils or patterns and would like to show them on Fun 4 The Children just send us an e-mail. Last but not least, if you would like to share your pumpkin carving with the readers of this blog, snap a photo and send it to us in an e-mail.

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LadyHatch said…
Nice and interesting ideas.
Anonymous said…
One of the best pumpkin pattern sites is not on the list,

they have 1000's of patterns and 100 are FREE, They add 100's of new patterns each year.