Macy's Letter to Santa

Here's a great way to give to charity while also letting your kids have some fun writing to Santa.

Get your crayons, pencil or pen. Write your letter and starting November 9th, bring it to Macy’s stamped and addressed to Santa At The North Pole. Make sure you drop it into their special Santa letterbox.

They will count them up, and for each letter received, they will donate $1 to the Make-A-Wish Foundation® up to $1,000,000. They will then bring them to the
Post Office for mailing to Santa.

Print out the Macy's Letter to Santa and help Macy's collect a million reasons to believe.

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Anonymous said…
We are teachers and have lots of letters to send but why do they need to be in stamped envelopes?

We would like to put all the letters in a manila envelope and drop them off at Macys.

It is not important if the kids receive a response. Our purpose is to help raise donations for the 'Make A Wish 'foundation.

4th grade teacher Orono
Faith said…
Hello 4th grade teacher Orono. I don't know if that can be done. I do have an e-mail address where I can try to find out the answer to your question.

Please send me an e-mail (link is in the top right hand sidebar of this blog) and let me know if you want me to contact them.

Maybe you can get each parent have their child bring in one postage stamp (I know times are tough, but it's an idea).

If you would like to send a photo of your class writing their letters or holding them in their hands, I will post it to this blog (you will need parents permission).

If you would like to e-mail the letters to me, I would also be willing to post each one to this blog.

Please send me an e-mail and let me know. Thank you and all the students.

Anonymous said…
I am a middle school teacher and I have the same question about the stamp. If you find out more about this topic, will you please post here so I can also learn more about whether the stamp is all-important. We have several children who would like to send a letter to help the Make A Wish Foundation.
Thank you, Tonia
Faith said…
Hi Tonia,

This post was from 2008. Haven't received the info for this year yet. The stamp has been a popular question in recent years and I've never received a reply to my past e-mails. I will try again and hopefully get a response. I will then post the answer.