Barack Obama Coloring Pages

Our new President is settled in and I must say, the whole inauguration and the ceremonies to follow was wonderful to watch. I did receive a bunch of e-mail asking about Barack Obama coloring pages so... you wish is my command.

Below find links for free coloring pages of our the forty-fourth president of the United States, Barack Obama.

Barack Obama - in front of the White House #1

Barack Obama - in front of the US Capitol #2 - this one also states 44th President of the United States under image.

Barack Obama - thumbs up

Barack Obama - Believe

Barack Obama - students for Obama 2008

Barack Obama - multiple students for Obama 2008

Barack Obama - coloring page #1

Barack Obama - coloring page #2 - you can color this one online or print it out and color it the old fashion way.

Barack Obama - coloring page #3

Obama '08 Logo

If anyone has any new Barack Obama coloring pages to add please let us know.

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Anonymous said…
The building in back of the President is not the White House. It is the U.S. Capitol Building. Yeah-I know you got these from someone else....but you could be correct and not them....
Faith said…
You are correct. Thank you!
Sam said…
I agree with you. You are correct. Thanks so much.