Make your own Printable Color Book

An online coloring book application that your children can select any image they want and compose their own color page. has a very fun and easy online coloring book application you child can choose from a variety of different categories and images to compose any coloring image they want and then can print it out on the computer printer, or send it by email to friends or family members. Your children will have the option to color the images online or print out and color.

Categories to choose from include animals, space, fantasy, transportation, buildings and text bubbles.

The application is very easy to use as your children will select a category and then select the images from the categories to add to their coloring page. Other options include scaling of the image, flipping the image or simply moving the image with your mouse.

Your children will have a great time composing their own coloring pages and it will give them more variety than the coloring pages found online.

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