I've recently had the pleasure of speaking to Donna Guthrie, a teacher and children's author who has published more than twenty award-winning books for children. Donna also publishes a new, cool website for kids called MEET ME AT THE CORNER, a series of free kid-friendly video podcasts for children.

Geared to children ages 7-12, is a dynamic, interactive site, which encourages individual expression and participation through video submissions from children worldwide. Through these video pod casts, the site creates a community of children who learn the art of self-expression and storytelling through video. The site is free of charge. currently offers more than 40 three- to four- minute episodes. Recent additions include interviews with famous artists and writers, trips to a variety of New York City historic and cultural landmarks, and introductions to unusual hobbies. New ìtripsî are added every two weeks.

Each video episode offers the viewer suggested book recommendations and extended learning activities, with the opportunity for children to submit their own complementary videos.

A fun and educational resource I'm sure your children will enjoy!

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