H-E-Buddy 2009 Summer Reading Club

Here's another book reading club to help encourage your children to continue reading throughout the summer. It's called the H-E-Buddy Reading Club and your child will receive some cool prizes just for reading ten books.

The H-E-Buddy 2009 Summer Reading Club started May 18, 2009. Participating in the club is very easy:

Have your children pick out and read 10 books. Parents are allowed to read to their children if they are too young to read.

List each book your child reads and log it on the H-E-Buddy Reading Club Form. Parents must initial by the books read on the H-E-Buddy Reading Club form.

Send your completed form to H-E-Buddy's Summer Reading Club to reward your child with a cool prize. Your form must be postmarked by August 9, 2009

Looks like this years prize is a t-shirt. I don't see anything about other prizes but last years prizes were a H-E-Buddy Reading Club certificate, t-shirt and a 20 point sticker (hopefully it's the same this year).

To learn more about the Reading Club and print out the form visit the H-E-Buddy Summer Reading Club.

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