Free Personalized ESPN Poster

Put your little superstar on a personalized ESPN poster.

In three easy steps you can get a free personalized ESPN poster with your child as the star.

To get started visit myESPN Highlights:

1. Type in your athlete's name.

2. Choose from one of the three poster designs that have.

3. Upload a photo.

Click the "make your poster" button and then add your e-mail address and within a few minutes you will receive a link to your poster.

After you receive the link with your poster, you can print it out on your computer printer. You can also download a JPEG file of your poster and save to your computer, add a personal message and e-mail it to friends and family or post it to MySpace, Facebook and more. ESPN also offers an 18" x 24" professionally printed poster for a fee but your computer printer with photo paper produces a wonderful poster.

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