The wonderful editors of have done it again. This time with the help of, they have come up with another outstanding free eBook full of Easter craft projects and recipes.
In the "Hop into Spring: Easter Craft and Recipe eBook" you will find free Easter craft ideas to decorate your home, give as gifts and a cute section on Easter Crafts for Kids.
Sections in the free "Hop into Spring: Easter Craft and Recipe eBook" include:
Easter Cards
Easter Egg Decorating (sure to have your children smiling)
Bunny Craft Projects
Easter Home Décor and Craft Projects for Entertaining
Easter Chick Craft Projects
Easter Crafts for Kids
Easter Recipes (delicious!)
The Easter Craft and Recipe eBook is 95 pages in length and can be downloaded in PDF format, which you can save to your computer and then print out the whole eBook or individual pages.
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Technorati Tags: Free Easter Craft and Recipe eBook kids Easter crafts Easter children kids youth Fun 4 The Children
In the "Hop into Spring: Easter Craft and Recipe eBook" you will find free Easter craft ideas to decorate your home, give as gifts and a cute section on Easter Crafts for Kids.
Sections in the free "Hop into Spring: Easter Craft and Recipe eBook" include:
Easter Cards
Easter Egg Decorating (sure to have your children smiling)
Bunny Craft Projects
Easter Home Décor and Craft Projects for Entertaining
Easter Chick Craft Projects
Easter Crafts for Kids
Easter Recipes (delicious!)
The Easter Craft and Recipe eBook is 95 pages in length and can be downloaded in PDF format, which you can save to your computer and then print out the whole eBook or individual pages.
If the above link is no longer working, please do us a favor and let us know by clicking: Contact US
Technorati Tags: Free Easter Craft and Recipe eBook kids Easter crafts Easter children kids youth Fun 4 The Children