Father's Day Coloring Pages

Father's Day is a day of celebration of Dad. It's a day not only honor your father, but all men who have acted as a father figure in your life.

In the USA, Canada and UK, Fathers' Day is celebrated on the 3rd Sunday in June since it was made a national holiday in 1966. In Australia and New Zealand, fathers are honored the first Sunday in September and other countries celebrate fathers throughout the year.

To help in the celebration of Father's Day, here is a nice list coloring pages for your to print out, color and give to Dad!

Father's Day Coloring Pages - bear holding "Happy Father's Day Dad" sign.

Father's Day Coloring Pages - father with his son opening a present.

Father's Day Coloring Pages - sail boat with the words "Happy Father's Day."

Father's Day Coloring Pages - boy holding coffee mug with the word "Dad" printed on it. Also "I Love (heart) you Dad" down the side of page.

Father's Day Coloring Pages - Father's Day shirt with instruments printed on shirt.

Father's Day Coloring Pages - boy giving father a present.

Father's Day Coloring Pages - girl giving father a gift and a kiss.

Father's Day Coloring Pages - boy and girl with Father's Day sign.

Father's Day Coloring Pages - dad speed maze.

Father's Day Coloring Pages - super dad award for your children to fill in.

Father's Day Coloring Pages - father holding little girl with a present.

Father's Day Coloring Pages - dad lounging on a chair with word "Happy Father's Day.".

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Sources: activityvillage.co.uk, coloring-page.net, coloringpagesforkids, dailykids.net, free-coloring-pages.com, homelifeweekly.com, homeschoolhelperonline.com, kids-fun-and-games.com, omurtlak.com, printactivities.com, timbercreekindependent.com

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