Disney Characters Tiana or Woody Call your Home - FREE Disney Character Call

Hello parents, here's a chance to send your child a character phone call and make their day extra-special! Thanks to Disney and Pull-Ups, you can have Tiana or Woody call your home with a personalized message for your child and they can even greet them by name.

Here's how to get started:

Visit FREE Disney Character Call from Tiana or Woody

1) Enter you date of birth.

2) Read and accept terms.

3) Choose Tiana or Woody.

4) Personalize the special message by selecting the occasion, the type of message, first name of the child (optional) and sender.

5) Enter your phone number and the time and day to call (Calls may be scheduled as much as 1 week or as little as 15 minutes in advance of the desired time of receiving the call).

Congratulations! Your FREE Disney Character Call has been submitted!

NOTE: Must be 18 years of age or older to order a call. Open to residents of the United States. Currently, calls are not available to residents of ID, WA, GA, KY, MS, NE, TN and LA. I don't see an expiration date on this, but these calls are usually a limited offer, while supplies last.

We had a Free Disney Enchanted Call posted on Fun 4 The Children a couple of years ago and received many e-mails from parents telling us how much their children enjoyed their calls!

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