Free Children's Books - Free 6-pack of books from Pacific Learning (Teachers)

This is for teachers at a public or private schools.

If you register with Pacific Learning by December 31, 2010, they'll send you a FREE 6-pack of books (No obligation required - FREE including shipping and handling).

After you complete the registration process, you will receive an email to select the grade level you would like.

"Only one submission per registered user. Form must be submitted by December 31, 2010 to receive your FREE 6-pack of books. While supplies last. Applicable to public and private schools only, which a verified school address"

Pacific Learning is the dedicated provider of PreK–8+ literacy solutions since 1999. Their supplemental resources are research-based and designed to increase instructional excellence and student achievement. They specialize in literacy resources in the following areas: assessment, comprehension, differentiated instruction, leveled reading, interactive technology, intervention, parent involvement, and more!

Please be sure to pass this along to any teachers you may know. Thank you!

If the above link is not working or expires, please do us a favor and let us know by clicking: Contact US

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