Kids Halloween Events and Freebies

Parents searching for safe, family-friendly Halloween fun can bring their children to the following Halloween store events for a howling good time. I couldn't leave us parents out, so there are a couple of freebies for us.

Just be sure to to call each Halloween event, store location to to confirm participation.

Bass Pro Shops Halloween Event 2010:

Bass Pro Shop Halloween Event

October 22 - 31, 2010- Fridays & Saturdays 4pm-8pm and Sundays Noon-5pm. Includes free Halloween crafts, trick-or-treating, parades, coloring pages, marshmallow roast and apple dessert and a free photo download of "You With The Great Pumpkin."

Free Scary Face Pancake at IHOP:

Free Scary Pumpkin Pancake

October 29, 2010 - kids 12 and under are treated to a free scary face pancake. One per person, dine in only.

Frightful Fridays at T.G.I. Friday’s:

Frightful Friday's at TGIF

Friday, October 29, 2010 - get a FREE AAAH!PETIZER for anyone wearing a costume (even us parents!!). Choose from mozzarella sticks, pot stickers or crispy green bean fries.

Saturday, October 30, 2010 - a FREE-KISH APPETIZER for anyone in costume. Plus, enter the Frightful Fridays Costume Contest for a chance to win $100 Best Buy Gift Card* (*See store for details).

Sunday, October 31 2010 - LIL GHOULS FEAST FREE! Any child in costume accompanied by one paid adult entrée gets a free meal off the Kids Menu!

Toys 'R Us Halloween Event:

Toys R Us Halloween Event

On Saturday, October 30, 2010 from 12pm – 3pm celebrate Halloween with Toys”R”Us! You'll find giveaways when you make a Safety Pledge and you will personalize a Crayola’s Glow Explosion Halloween bag craft.

Free Halloween Collage at Sears Portrait Studio:

A coupon to get a free Halloween collage. Coupon Expires Oct. 31 2010. No purchase/sitting fee is required, a $44.98 value.

Free Happy Halloween Bowling Passes from Brunswick Bowling Centers:

We recently posted this one to Fun 4 The Children. Brunswick Bowling is offering free bowling passes with their "No Tricks, Just Treats" Halloween promotion.

Make sure you visit all of our other fun Halloween pages!

If any of the above links are not working or are expired, please do us a favor and let us know by clicking: Contact US. We may also be able to help you get some of the free coloring books, pages and E-books that may have expired.

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Faith said…
Michaels Craft Stores also has a Family Halloween Event on October 30,2010 from 10 AM - 2 PM. Free face painting, Halloween parade and duct tape cuff.