10 Fun Thanksgiving Crafts for Kids

A fun list of easy Thanksgiving crafts, offering you children a quick way to create a memorable holiday and create a festive mood the whole family can enjoy. You can also use these Thanksgiving crafts to help keep impatient kids and guests busy while you prepare the Thanksgiving feast.

Dora's Pumpkin Turkey - create an easy pumpkin turkey with a small pumpkin, scissors, double-sided tape or pushpins.

Hand Turkey Thanksgiving Placemat Craft - a very cute and easy Thanksgiving placemat craft.

Paper Bag Turkey - neat project that looks like the turkey from you oven. Plus, you can stuff them with popcorn or other treats.

Paper Pilgrim Hat and Bonnet - make a sweet and stylish statement at the holiday table with these printable Thanksgiving decorations.

Thankful Tree with Hand Print Leaves - here is a craft that encourages our children to remember all the blessings they have to be thankful for.

Handprint Turkey Craft - here's a twist to the traditional, traced-hand turkey craft that uses layered hand prints to create a cool-looking, textured Handprint Turkey Craft.

Native American Indian Headband Craft - a fun Thanksgiving craft for the kids. This kids Thanksgiving craft uses simple paper products, some fun colors for the feathers and to decorate the headband plus other simple craft supplies.

Paper Plate Pilgrims Craft - a great Thanksgiving craft for kids and a fun way to teach them about history.

Hand-y Thanksgiving Wreath Craft - with a little hand tracing, construction paper and crafting, your child will have something to display leading up to Thanksgiving.

Cardboard Tube Pilgrims & Indians - these cute little Thanksgiving characters are made from a paper towel roll and lots of imagination.

We are going to add one more craft to this list making it eleven Thanksgiving crafts. This is our personal favorite and one we have been creating for years:

Make an "I Am Thankful For...." book with construction paper. The younger children can draw pictures while the older children can write out what the children are thankful for. A wonderful keepsake to look back on!

May sure you visit our other fun Thanksgiving Pages!

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