Elf Yourself 2010

Back for yet another year is the very popular Elf Yourself. The elves are back and better than ever, in the update 2010 Elf Yourself.

Elf Yourself

If you have never experienced Elf Yourself, get ready for some laughs as you take part in an annual holiday tradition of transforming yourself and loved ones into pointy eared dancing elves!!

As with 2009 version of Elf Yourself, the 2010 version allows you to upload photos from your desktop, Facebook account and new this year, a webcam.

You will then get to edited and adjust your photo(s)(up to five photos can be added). Once you have finished uploading and editing, you get to select a dance theme. This year finds new Elf Yourself options such as an 80's Dance Party, Surfing or Hip Hop. You also have your choice of original themes which include - Original, Charleston, Country and Singing.

You will then get to see an Elf Yourself animation, showing your personalised elves dancing in the setting you selected. After your finished watching your show, you have the options of sharing on Facebook or Twitter, by e-mail or embed it to a blog or website.

You'll also have an option to pay for a permanent version of your video creation as well as order gifts (mugs, DVDs, mousepads, etc) that have your personalised Elf Yourself image.

This holiday season don't miss out on some family laughs without the opportunity to Elf Yourself!

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