Free Mark Trail Coloring and Activity Book

From the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service comes a Free Mark Trail Coloring and Activity Book for you to print out on your computer printer.

Free Mark Trail Coloring and Activity Book
Mark Trail is a comic strip character and adventurer created by Ed Dodd. "For more than 50 years, soft-spoken comic-strip star and veteran outdoorsman Mark Trail has been teaching people to preserve our natural resources — woods, water and wildlife — for future generations."

The Mark Trail Coloring and Activity Book will teach your children about the wetlands and the animals that live in them. They will also learn how to care for America.

Inside you will find some fun coloring pages, connect the dots, match game, word scramble, maze, crossword, and instructions on how to make a bird feeder.

The Mark Trail Coloring and Activity Book is thirty six pages long and is downloaded in PDF format.

Printing Tip: To save time and money on ink: When you choose Print, you may have noticed a button that says "Properties." Click "Properties" and then "Print Quality." Select either "Draft Print" or "Fast Draft" (options are different on some printers) to print a fast copy that saves ink!

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