Patriotic Pinwheels & Popping Firecracker Crafts

With President's Day approaching, we decided to get patriotic and create some fun crafty creations.Patriotic

Searching around the Internet for something different we found Patriotic Pinwheels & Popping Firecracker crafts from the Abilene Public Library.

These two crafts are wonderful to make in honor of President's Day and for the 4TH of July!

Watch the following as Tremain Jackson & Alyssa Crow, from the Abilene Public Library take us through the easy steps in creating our patriotic crafts.

Material need for the Patriotic Pinwheels:

Paper (colored or white)
Template (see Patriotic Crafts Activity Sheet below)
Crayons or markers
Hole punch
Scissors (safety scissors for the smaller children)
Thumb tacks or push pins
Unsharpened pencil with good eraser

Material need for the Popping Firecracker Crafts:

Colored construction paper
Tape or glue
Pipe cleaners (Red/Yellow/Orange)
Toilet paper or paper towel roll
Scissors (safety scissors for the smaller children)
Bubble Wrap (Optional)

Patriotic Crafts Activity Sheet - this activity guide provides you with the template for the Patriotic Pinwheels, easy to follow steps for the two crafts and a word search.

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