Free Coloring / Activity Books: Carl Gets Some Rest Coloring / Activity Books and Create Less Waste Coloring Book

Here are three different story / coloring / activity books that you can get for Free from the United States Environmental Protection Agency.

The first is Carl Gets Some Rest and you can get both, a Free coloring book and a Free story book.

Carl Gets Some Rest Coloring / Story / Activity Books

Carl Gets Some Rest Coloring / Story / Activity Book - Enter the code: 420K03001 and click search. The coloring and story book will appear, put checks in both boxes and the click "Add to Your Collection."

Create Less Waste Coloring Book

Free Create Less Waste Coloring Book - Enter the code: EPA530-K-99-006 and follow directions as above.

You will come to the Selected Documents, check all three and then click "Show Order Form" and checkout (be advised that their website is very slow as of this post).

If the above link for this offer is not working or expired, we still might be able to help you get a free copy. Contact US and let us know what you're looking for as we save many of these offers to our computers.

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Mina Burrows said…
Congrats for being featured on Blogging Women for the month of April! I'm being featured as well so I thought I'd stop by and say congrats! Best, Mina!