Sesame Street "For Me, for You, for Later" Kit

Developed in 2011 by the Sesame Workshop, the creators of Sesame Street and in partnership with PNC Grow Up Great, the Free Sesame Street "For Me, for You, for Later" Kit provides parents, caregivers, and educators with strategies and resources to turn everyday experiences into financial moments.

Inside of this free bilingual, multimedia kit you will receive a Parent and Caregiver Guide, a Children's Activity Book, 3 Jar Labels, and an original Sesame Street DVD that features Elmo, Cookie Monster, and their Sesame Street friends as Elmo learns the basics of spending, saving, and sharing.

Sesame Street "For Me, for You, for Later" Kits are available for free at any PNC branch, or can be ordered over the phone at 1-877-PNC-GROW.

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