Memorial Day Coloring Pages (part II)

Memorial Day honors US soldiers who have sacrificed their lives for America's freedom. In 1971, the US Congress declared Memorial Day to be a national holiday, to be celebrated on the last Monday of May each year. Many courageous men and women gave their lives to pay the price for the freedom that you and I enjoy. These are the ones that we honor this week as we celebrate Memorial Day.

Memorial Day

Memorial Day Rose and Candle coloring page.

Memorial Day Flag with Balloons coloring page.

Memorial Day Dad at Barbeque coloring page - with kids.

Memorial Day Not-Forgotten coloring page - girl with flag.

Memorial Day Dad and Son at Memorial coloring page.

Happy Memorial Day Flag coloring page.

Memorial Day Veteran Saluting Flag coloring page #1.

Memorial Day Veteran Saluting Flag coloring page #2.

Memorial Day Balloons coloring page.

Memorial Day Remember Flag with flowers coloring page.

For more free Memorial Day Coloring Pages visit:

Memorial Day Coloring Pages

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