Free Sesame Street: MP3 Album Sampler

Amazon is offering a Free Sesame Street: MP3 Album Sampler

Song Titles include:

1. The Wheels On The Bus – Bert & Ernie & The Kid Chorus

2. Ladybugs’ Picnic – Sesame Street

3. Let’s Go Tubbin’ – The Bath Boys

4. Oh Look What Our Baby Can Do! – Humphrey. Ingrid & Natasha

5. What’s the Name of That Song? – Big Bird, Oscar, Savion, Bob, Gina, Gordon, Lillian, Luis, Maria, Merry Monster, Mr. Hanford, Prairie Dawn, Rosita, Susan, Telly Monster

NOTE: Downloads available for a limited time. As with all freebie offers mentioned on Fun 4 The Children, it's a good idea to have a separate e-mail account to use for the offers, instead of your main e-mail. You can get a free e-mail address at Google, Yahoo, etc.

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