Halloween Party Games and Craft Ideas For Children

Kids love to dress up as their favourite characters at Halloween, but these days you might not feel comfortable letting them out and about to go Trick or Treating. Why not do something a little different this year and let your kids invite their friends over for a Halloween Party? They can all get dressed up and enjoy some spooky fun in the safety of your home.

Halloween Party Games and Craft Ideas For Children

Here are some ideas for party games and Halloween craft activities to keep them entertained.

Halloween party games

1. The not so spooky Halloween parade

The little ones will want to show off their costumes so put on some mussy and have the kids put on a Halloween costume parade. Get them to do their best dance moves to the music and ensure the adults whoop, cheer, and look suitable spooked!

2. The Trick or Treat bonanza

Cut up some paper strips and on half of them write the word "treat", on the others write out a number of tricks, such as "hop on one leg", "growl like a lion" or "sing their favourite song".

Put all of the paper pieces into a hat or a pillowcase and hide some sweets and candies around the room.

At the party ask each child to draw a piece of paper from the hat. They then have to perform the trick or search for the treats.

Halloween craft ideas

When the kids have run off all their energy on the party games have them sit around the table for some quiet craft time. Here are some ideas to get you started:

1. Not so spooky Halloween mask making

Have a supply of white paper plates, glue, ribbons, felt pens and other craft items ready and ask the kids to make their own masks. They can design them to be as fun or as spooky as they like.

When everyone is done with their creations pierce a hole in each side of the plate and attach a piece of elastic so the kids can wear their masks, and pose for a group photograph!

2. The great Halloween loot collection

Kids love to take loot bags home from parties so let them decorate their own bags. You'll need the same craft supplies as for the mask making, but this time they'll need brown paper bags to decorate.

When the decorating is complete let the children go back to playing and fill the loot bags with candy and Halloween themed treats, when the party is over they can take their loot bags home.

About the Author: Hosting a Halloween party in the safety of your own home is a great way for young children to take part in the festivities. Check out these great toddlers Halloween costumes to make sure they look great at the party; Dora the Explorer fans will love the Boots the Monkey costume at http://toddlershalloweencostumesideas.com/.

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Flower Gifts said…
Fantastic ideas here..thanks! I am really getting into halloween this year. My children are so excited and I intend to go all out! :D
April said…
I love the idea of making halloween masks as an at-home activity, I can see my children loving this! I have been a little wary of trick-or-treating over the past few years, so we generally stick to our neighborhood and then do halloween-spirited things at home with a few of the neighborhood children. This year, I am in charge of crafts and I am making ghosts and pumpkins out of miniature buckets! I am very excited and I think the kids will love it, and I think now I'll include the halloween masks as well. Thanks!
Faith said…
Your welcome April!! If you have instructions on how you make your ghosts and pumpkins out of miniature buckets, send us an e-mail and we will post it here to Fun 4 The Children.

fun4thechildren at gmail dot com