Fun Fall Family Activities

Fun 4 The Children Guest Post By: Erik Braunitzer of Douglas Elliman Real Estate Company, Agents for New York City Real Estate.

Summer may be over, and the kids may be back in school, but that doesn't mean you can't still have fun as a family. There is still plenty for everyone to enjoy as the season changes.

Plant Bulbs & Trees

Plant Bulbs & Trees -- If your family enjoys gardening (and what kid doesn't enjoy playing in the dirt?), fall is the time to plant bulbs to have flowers next spring. Your family can go through catalogs together and pick out their favorites. Not only do you have the fun of planting them, you all get the anticipation of watching them come out next spring. Fall is also a great time to plant trees. Their roots will have all winter to get established before they are called on to supply water during the hot summer. Next year you'll be enjoying the additional fall colors.

Decorate -- Fall presents the perfect opportunity to decorate, particularly with Halloween. Adding anything from spider webs to pumpkins and gourds are fantastic ways to entertain this annual holiday. Halloween decorations are very affordable and can even be found at your local grocery. If you’re a very creative and celebratory family, it’s highly recommended to explore options for making your home more festive.

Go on a Picnic -- Chances are your favorite spot to picnic is still available, at least on weekends, or you can try a new spot. If you have a beach nearby, it should be much less crowded than during the summer. Wherever you go for a picnic, you should also have an opportunity to go on a nature hike. Your kids can collect leaves and look for animal tracks. A picnic is also a great excuse to drive through the countryside and enjoy the leaves turning colors.

Balloon and Wine Festival

Enjoy a Festival -- Autumn is traditionally the time of harvest, and many towns have festivals dedicated to that theme. Others have street fairs or Oktoberfests. Chances are good there will be games for the children to play, music to listen to, carnival foods to eat, and arts and crafts to browse and buy.

Visit a Farmer's Market -- This time of year most farmer's markets feature pumpkins or apples. The kids will love picking out the perfect pumpkin to carve into a Jack-O-Lantern, and if you're inclined to make pumpkin pie, no doubt your family will enjoy eating it. In the fall, many farm markets will have additional fun activities: hay rides, corn mazes, apple bobbing, and maybe even a haunted house.

Winter will be here before you know it, so be sure you and your family take advantage of the opportunities for fun that fall provides.

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