Put Saturday, November 12, 2011, on your calendar now for National Gaming Day @ your library! Join FamilyandPartyGames.com for the ALA National Gaming Day @ your library to promote game play across thousands of American communities.

This year’s event expects to draw more than 20,000 people at more than 1,200 libraries, young and old, and will feature popular board games like Loaded Questions Junior, Awkward Family Photos, The Greatest Day Ever Game and many more.
The goal of National Gaming day is to reconnect communities through their libraries around the educational, recreational, and social value of all types of games.
For more information about National Gaming Day @ your library and to find libraries participating in the American Library Association's 4th annual National Gaming Day @ your library event, please visit http://ilovelibraries.org/gaming/.
Technorati Tags: American Library Association FamilyandPartyGames.com Fun 4 The Children National Gaming Day 2011 National Gaming Day @ your library 2011 board games children family kids video games

This year’s event expects to draw more than 20,000 people at more than 1,200 libraries, young and old, and will feature popular board games like Loaded Questions Junior, Awkward Family Photos, The Greatest Day Ever Game and many more.
The goal of National Gaming day is to reconnect communities through their libraries around the educational, recreational, and social value of all types of games.
Why should kids play video games at the library?
Lots of kids play video games at home – alone, with siblings, or with friends. The library is a safe and non-commercialized space. At the library, kids socialize with their friends and play video games while surrounded by books, librarians, and knowledge. Video gaming at the library encourages young patrons to interact with diverse peers, share their expertise with others (including adults), and develop new strategies for gaming and learning.
What do kids learn when they play games at the library?
Video games give kids a chance to practice reading, writing, and computing in the library’s safe environment. Popular video games, the ones that kids really like to play, are immediately engaging and make them work hard to succeed and ‘level up’. While playing these games, kids are constantly developing new strategies, predicting possible outcomes, managing multiple resources, reading and deciphering maps, tracking complex statistics, and adapting to increasingly difficult levels within the game. They learn a range of media literacies beyond basic reading that give them models for navigating our information-rich world.
For more information about National Gaming Day @ your library and to find libraries participating in the American Library Association's 4th annual National Gaming Day @ your library event, please visit http://ilovelibraries.org/gaming/.
Technorati Tags: American Library Association FamilyandPartyGames.com Fun 4 The Children National Gaming Day 2011 National Gaming Day @ your library 2011 board games children family kids video games