150+ Free Chuck E. Cheese Tickets

If your planning a trip to Chuck E. Cheese anytime soon, here is you chance to get some Free Tickets!

150+ Free Chuck E. Cheese Tickets

You can win up to 50 Free Tickets when playing the Chuck E Cheese Blocks Game

You can earn up to 30 Free Tickets when playing the Chuck E Cheese Ticket Blaster

Play Chuck E Cheese Skeeball to get up to 40 Free Tickets. You have to score 100 on all but one Skeeball throw to get the 40 tickets, but you will still get Free Tickets no matter what you score.

Get 50 Free Tickets when print out the Chuck E Cheese Mouse Hunt, answer the questions on the page and redeem at your participating Chuck E Cheese location.

Here is some help with the answers:

5. ONE

If you have problems with the Chuck E Cheese Mouse Hunt link, visit the Chuck E Cheese Activity Page.

Make sure you join the Chuck E. Cheese Email Club to receive great coupon offers plus several exclusive offers from Chuck E. Cheese's, promotions, birthday specials and more!

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