5 Tips to Teach Your Kids to Fish

Teaching your kids to fish is much more than just catching fun. It is perhaps the first stage in the formation of a life-long hobby that will keep you in their minds even after they've ventured out into the world. Furthermore, the way you pass on this past-time will determine whether or not they forget about it in a year's time or pass it onto their children too. You need not worry if you are inexperienced in fishing. The following five tips explain how to make the learning process enjoyable from the outset and make sure your kids stick with it!

1. The Right Gear

Make sure it is not a one-sided adventure by getting the kids some suitable child-size gear. Their enthusiasm about the whole idea will take new heights. Some kids hate to be spoon-fed; the only way you can get their attention is to allow them a hands on approach for what you are teaching them. Other things that will keep them excited are a small tackle bag and an inexpensive reel for kids of their age and size.

2. Location

Your kids stand a good chance of a catch on the first trip when you go somewhere highly concentrated with fish. Even adults frown when they have no reward for their hard work, so you can be sure that the average child will literally call it quits after a trip of fruitless attempts. On the other hand, even a small catch on their first trip is likely enough to keep them going back!

3. Plan Together

Planning usually creates suspense, since kids are naturally optimistic. They tend to be excited and full of expectation, and this is doubly true when they are included in the preparation and planning for a fishing trip. You can be sure they will not forget anything you ask them to do about the trip. Let them accompany you to buy their fishing reel, rod and tackle bag. It would also be wise to teach them how to practice casting a day or two before the trip.

4. Be Brief

Kids' attention spans are short. A fishing adventure beyond a couple of hours may lead to boredom. Remember to praise, encourage and keep them engaged. Furthermore, if they are having a nice time and not too desperate to get a catch, do not pressure them do so. Also, don't overwhelm them by attempting to teach too many things on the first trip. Just ensure they are acquainted with the different items in their bag and provide many fun tips.

5. Safety

Put in place measures that will minimize the likelihood of an accident on their first few trips. Barbless hooks are preferable for kids. A shallow lake is also good enough. Without ensuring they understand the importance of safety, the above measures are fruitless.

Teaching your kids to fish will in no small measure strengthen your relationship with them, so what are you waiting for? Get started today!

Rachel Tyler likes to write about the great outdoors & saving her family money at websites like www.termlifeinurance.org
