Mensa for Kids Excellence in Reading Award Program

Summer is approaching and hopefully your kids will continue to do some, just because they love to read. Summer reading programs are a fantastic way to improve your children's reading skills, have them learn something new and to help keep boredom at bay.

Mensa for Kids Excellence in Reading Award Program

For may children and I'm sure many of your children, incentives work great. To help encourage the joy of reading, the Mensa Foundation has developed the Mensa for Kids Mensa for Kids Excellence in Reading Award Program! If your children complete a "Summertime Reading" list, they will be rewarded with a commemorative certificate of their outstanding achievement and get a Mensa for Kids T-shirt!

Acknowledging the value of the National Endowment for the Humanities’ appreciation of classic literature for young people, the Mensa Foundation is providing a year-round challenge to kids of all ages based on the NEH’s “Summertime Reading” list.

To participate in the Mensa for Kids Excellence in Reading Award Program, follow these steps:

1. Find the grade-level segment that best fits your reading level from the list of books provided. You’ll receive an award for each segment read! Remember to read to the level of your ability, regardless of your age or grade level.

2. Print the appropriate segment and track each book you read.

3. Once you’ve completed an entire segment list, you and a parent will need to sign the list as verification and return it to the Mensa Foundation at the address provided. Once we’ve received your signed list, we’ll send you an award certificate and T-shirt!

The Mensa for Kids Excellence in Reading Award Program is free to all participants and available to children of all ages. Summer reading list are provided from kindergarten all the way through 12th grade. You do not need to be a member of Mensa to participate

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Lisa Van Gemert said…
Thanks for sharing the word about our program! Just a reminder that the lists don't need to be completed during the summer. Our program is perennial. Anyone with questions may contact me directly at

Lisa Van Gemert
Gifted Youth Specialist
Mensa Foundation