Parenting Guide: Using Chess Boards to Increase Cognitive Functioning in Children

As a parent, it is important to ensure that you encourage activities that will optimize the cognitive functioning of your child. While many parents utilize strategies such as flash cards, books, and computer software that focus on learning, many parents are starting to discover that chess boards are highly beneficial in optimizing cognitive functioning among children.

In the years of 1973 and 1974, a study was conducted by a professional named Dr. Albert Frank. In this study, ninety two students between the ages of sixteen and eighteen were chosen to participate. The students that were employed for the chess-playing group showed exceptional advancements in numerical and spatial abilities, as well as verbal aptitudes, whereas, the group that was not employed in the chess group showed no significant advancements. Whether wooden chess sets, plastic chess sets or glass chess sets are utilized, chess boards and the game that is played on them seem to optimize a child's ability to learn and retain information at high success rates.

Numerous other students have been conducted on students that play chess on a regular basis. In these studies, it has been established that chess-playing kids have the ability to score up to twenty percent higher on standardized tests issued by their state of residence than students that do not play the game. As a result of the statistics associated with these studies, scientists and researchers have now confirmed that chess boards and the game play that comes with them has many beneficial effects when it comes to learning, as well as development, among children.

As a parent, you should make every effort to encourage your child to play chess from an early age. There are highly durable wooden chess sets for the younger children and elegantly designed glass chess sets for older, more mature children. By getting young children involved in chess, they may reap the following benefits:

  • Children that play with chess boards regularly have been found to develop certain skills more quickly and at deeper levels than children that do not play the game. Examples of these skills include analytical skills and skills that pertain to making decisions.

  • Many children that play with wooden chess sets have higher confidence levels than those that do not play the game.

  • Due to the amount of mental ability that is required to be successful in chess, high-order skills that involve thinking are utilized. In addition to this, children must analyze the actions that they have taken and will take. In addition to this, they will develop an understanding and appreciation for both cause and effect.

As you can see, there are many cognitive benefits associated with chess boards for children. Whether you choose from wooden chess sets or glass chess sets, the cognitive functioning of your child will be dramatically improved by encouraging them to participate in game play. Children that play with chess boards will learn that their destiny is dependent upon their choices. They will come to understand that they are in control and that there are many options available to them. By purchasing chess boards for children, you are doing more than simply providing a game, you are providing them with the opportunity to develop academically and succeed in life.

Parenting Guide: Using Chess Boards to Increase Cognitive Functioning in Children is a Guest Post by Blaine Kendall.

Blaine Kendall is a loving parent and would love for you take a look at some of the Nursery Bedding Set pictures and reviews on our blog at My Baby Bedding Shop.

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