Last year, we had the awesome opportunity to review Your Santa Story, provided to us by MomSelect. Your Santa Story is a new service that helps keep the Christmas magic alive!
Your Santa Story is a personalized, family-specific DVD that features an authentic Santa Claus (complete with full red suite and white beard), talking to your children on Christmas morning.
By answering a few questions on the Your Santa Story website, Santa will talk to each child in your family by name and recite whatever special messages Mom or Dad want him to read.
You will also have the options of adding pets as well as the opportunity of having Santa thank your kids for leaving cookies and food for his reindeer? Last but not least, Santa can guide your children to look for one final gift around your home.
Your Santa Story also considers special considerations that Santa should keep in mind:
Expatriate Family
Family member in the military and won't be home for Christmas
Your Santa Story was an wonderful hit for our family. The looks and reactions from my children were priceless and the memories cherished.
With Christmas fast approaching and limited quantities available, you'll want to make sure you get your order in as soon as possible. You can order Your Santa Story DVD for $29.99 ($5.99 S&H) or you can enter to win a copy below!
Your Santa Story Personalized DVD Giveaway
One lucky winner will receive a Your Santa Story DVD (see Terms & Conditions for the rules).
a Rafflecopter giveaway
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