The Green Refrigerator Machine by Ozonator Product Review

"American families waste approximately 180 pounds of spoiled fruits, vegetables and leftovers every year. According to a study by the University of Arizona, for a family of four, that adds up to over $1000 of wasted food a year due to spoilage!!" As a mother, I'm guilty of this on a daily basis!!

Ozonator states that they have a simple solution to our problems called, The Green Refrigerator Machine, a product to help extend the shelf life of perishable foods, eliminate refrigerator odors and help save families thousands of dollars each year.

Ozonator Green Refrigerator Machine

Sounds like an interesting product and I was more than happy to be asked by MomSelect to give The Green Refrigerator Machine a try!

"The Green Refrigerator Machine™ is a value-packed product for customers in need of making the crisp and freshness of the produce they buy at the market last longer, while stretching their budget."

The Green Refrigerator Machine by Ozonator:

  • Eliminates odors in your refrigerator.
  • Reduces potential for spreading germs
  • Keeps food fresher, longer.

After receiving my Green Refrigerator Machine and inserting the batteries, it was off to the refrigerator for the test. Into the refrigerator it went to see how it would combat smells (wasn't much in the refrigerator that would stink, just a mild smell form cauliflower from dinner the night before).

To my surprise, within an hour (the next time I opened the refrigerator) the smell had dissipated.

My next test for the Green Refrigerator Machine by Ozonator would be approximately a week later, after the refrigerator had been stocked with produce and more groceries.

I'm happy to report that my lettuce, peppers, tomatoes hasn't wilted like it usually does and still a fresh, clean smelling refrigerator (even with the cooked leftovers from the week).

My negatives of this product are few. When I first turned on the unit, there was a weird smell which quickly went away and hasn't returned. Can just chalk that up to being a new product. Second, in my opinion, I thought that maybe they could shape the unit to be more upright, instead of wide, to take up less space.

Those are very minor negatives and I'm very happy to know this product will keep any smells in the refrigerator at bay and well as help waisting money on throwing groceries away.

The The Green Refrigerator Machine would make a perfect Christmas gift! The regular retail price is $49.95 but right now you can purchase your Green Refrigerator Machine for only $39.95

You can also visit the Ozonator Facebook page for your chance to win your very own The Green Refrigerator Machine!

Disclosure: I would like to thank Amy from BSM Media and Ozonator for the opportunity to review The Green Refrigerator Machine. I did receive a The Green Refrigerator Machine to help facilitate this review. The opinions within this post are of my own and I was not influenced in any way and were not edited by the sponsor. My reviews may not always positive, but they are my personal and honest opinions. Please conduct your own research before purchasing products. For more information about Fun 4 The Children please read our
