Martin Luther King Jr Coloring Pages for Kids

"Dr Martin Luther King Jr. goes down in history as one of the principal leaders of the civil rights movement in the United States. He dedicated his life to achieving equality and justice for all Americans of all colors and never backed down in his stand against racism.

Martin's Big Words: The Life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. written by Doreen Rappaport, is an excellent and accessible introduction for young readers to learn about one of the world’s most influential leaders, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

In honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, here is a list of Martin Luther King Jr Coloring Pages for your kids to print out and decorate:

Martin Luther King Jr - image #1

Martin Luther King Jr image #2

Martin Luther King Jr - picture frame.

Martin Luther King Jr - "In 1968 Martin Luther King, Nobel Prize winner and Civil Rights leader was shot and killed in Memphis, Tennessee."

Martin Luther King Jr - Printable Martin Luther King Day Coloring Page.

Martin Luther King Jr - with flag flying behind him.

Martin Luther King Jr - holding his hand up.

Martin Luther King Jr - both hands raised.

Martin Luther King Jr - boys shaking hands in front of Dr Martin Luther King Jr's picture.

Martin Luther King Jr - you can color this one online and print or just print out and color yourself.

Martin Luther King Jr - Spokesperson for Freedom. Dr Martin Luther King Jr's image inside Liberty Bell.

Martin Luther King Jr - family holding MLK flag.

Martin Luther King Jr - Martin Luther King Classroom Lesson Coloring Page.

Martin Luther King Jr - portrait in stared frame.

Martin Luther King Jr - Living The Legacy

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