Reward Charts / Responsibility Charts and more...

Parents this one is for you as well as your children.

Reward charts and responsibility charts are a great way to reinforce good behaviour and help your child make the connection between what you are telling them and what they’ve just done.

You can use these different charts to award items (stickers, check marks, happy faces, etc) for good behaviour. When your children have collected enough of these items to get them to the top of their chart, you can then reward them with a special prize. If your children are to misbehave, the opposite occurs, and an item gets removed.

Now, whether you are adding items or removing them, make sure you explain to your children why you are doing this so they understand there are consequences for their good as well as bad behaviour.

In our home, we use multiple rows on the charts, with a different prize being rewarded after each level. Ex: first row complete gets an ice cream cone, second row complete gets a new small toy or book, and so on. The choice is completely up to you and/or your children as to what the rewards will be

On the following links you will find some different charts that you can print out on your computer printer. Your children can also further decorate the charts with markers, glitter or crayons. - has six different reward charts for you to print - here you will find a few different types of charts:

Potty charts for your little one making successful trips to the bathroom.

Chore Charts and Responsibility Charts - used to fill in your children chores on specific days.

Rewards coupons - you can use these coupons for your child doing good on their charts.

Have an opinion or idea on rewards charts? Please share it with the readers of Fun 4 The Children by sending us an e-mail or posting a comment.

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