Travel Bingo

With the holiday season upon us, traveling can be a long and boring ride for your children. Providing them with a little entertainment can make all the difference.

Travel Bingo is a game you can print out and bring along that the whole family can play. It consists of eight different bingo cards that has common sights that are seen along highways and roadways.

The game is played the same way as the traditional bingo game, with the items being crossed off the card as it is spotted by the cardholder. The winner is the person who gets any three up, down, across or diagonal.

Mom and dad can think or prizes for the winners.

Ideas for printing and playing:

Print out a bunch of these games boards on regular white computer paper and just cross off the items as they are found. When finished, just throw them away.

Print the travel bingo boards on cardstock and play the game using Crayola erasable markers, this way you can save the boards.

You may want to laminate the bingo cards after you print them.

You can also print the card sheets out and then glue the page to a piece of cardboard.

To print your game cards out click: Travel Bingo Cards

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Mª del Mar said…
Thank you so much for so many good ideas. It's a great blog.