Sesame Street Fire Safety Station Color and Learn Booklet

A helpful way to help teach your children about fire safety is with the Sesame Street Fire Safety coloring book. By helping your child with the coloring book you reinforce the importance of fire safety in your home.

Sesame Street Fire Safety Coloring Book

(Sorry about some of the blurry photos. I have a new camera and I'm learning how to use it and download the photos to my computer. My last camera was much easier.)

Each page in this book illustrates a particular fire safety message. Some of the messages included:

Plan and Practice Fire Drills

Smoke Detectors Warn About Fires

Stop, Drop and Roll

Hot Things Burn

This Free Sesame Street Fire Safety Station Color and Learn Booklet is available through the U.S. Fire Administration website. If you don't want to wait for it to come in the mail, it's also available ad a download in PDF format.


Aloutka said…
Very useful thing - especially for children! I like it - with Cookie Monster or Elmo every lesson seems easier, isn't it? Fun!
nblackthorn said…
Getting Sesame Street on board is a great way of delivering a fire safety message! Go Elmo! Delivering this message at a young age will hopefully stick with them until they are my age and need to buy fire safety equipment! I find Discount Fire Supplies a great fire safety partner for all my home and business needs!