Exploring Nature in Your Neighborhood

Fun activities for you and your children to go out and explore nature right in your own neighborhood.

Over at the California State Parks website you can download some different activities to help get you started on some Neighborhood Nature adventuring.

There are five different activities to help with your Neighborhood Nature adventure:

Start a Nature Journal
A Poem for a Poppy or a Story for a Salamander
Who Eats What?
Making ''Sense'' of Nature
Go Buggy in Your Own Neighborhood
What Fine Feathers You Have!
Star Light. Star Bright. The First Star I See Tonight...

Each of these activities has a sheet you can download in PDF format and print out to help in Exploring nature in your neighborhood.

The program is a fun way to get outside and have fun exploring nature, whether it's in a state park, your community park, or even your own backyard or neighborhood.

While your at the California State Parks website, make sure you also visit the Online Adventures. There you can find different activity pages including:

coloring pages, word puzzles, animal match-up, dot-to-dot, and a hiking maze.

Enjoy your Nature adventures!

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