How to Draw Batman

I'm adding a new category to Fun 4 The Children called How To Draw. My kids love drawing and are always searching for different lessons on how to draw things. So as I find new tutorials I will list them on Fun 4 The Children.

If anyone knows of any drawing tutorials or if we have any artists who would like to add drawing tutorials to Fun 4 The Children please let me know.

The first drawing lesson will be of Batman, the popular DC comics hero and of numerous movies. I remember watching Batman as a child on television starring Adam West and Burt Ward (also of the first Batman movie). Much different from today's Batman.

DragoArt (they have many drawing tutorials listed) has a great step by step drawing lesson on how to Draw Batman. There are five total steps and the difficulty rating is intermediate. You can also view the lesson as a slide show or normal layout.

How To Draw Batman


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