Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck or Goofy - Free Personalized Disney Character Phone Call

Have Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck or Goofy call your home with a personalized message for your children. Thanks to Disney and Barilla, you can add a little character to your child's day.

Here’s how to schedule your Free Personalized Disney Character Phone Call:

1) Enter you date of birth.

2) Read and accept terms.

3) Choose Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck or Goofy.

4) Personalize the special message by selecting the occasion, the type of message, first name of the child (optional) and sender.

5) Enter your phone number and the time and day to call (Calls may be scheduled as much as 1 week or as little as 15 minutes in advance of the desired time of receiving the call). Calls can only be placed between 9am and 8pm.

Congratulations! Your FREE Disney Character Call has been submitted. Get ready to hear from Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck or Goofy!

NOTE: *Character call offer valid 6/7/2010 - 9/20/2010. NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Must be 18 years of age or older to order a call. Open to certain residents of the United States. Currently, calls are not available to residents of ID, WA, GA, KY, MS, NE, TN and LA

As of this post, you can also still schedule personalized calls from Tiana or Woody.

If any of the above links are not working, please do us a favor and let us know by clicking: Contact US

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This is a cute little idea. I know my little nephew would enjoy getting a call from his favorite character in a couple years, when he is a little older and can understand better. :)